Last week, we talked about self-awareness and worked to build and strengthen yours so that you have a more complete understanding of how you show up. You also learned some pointers that will help you identify your blind spots, particularly the common ones that keep so many of us from fully participating.
Hopefully, you engaged with your Lesson 2 labwork and let it serve as an opportunity to examine some of your habitual patterns. Two pieces of last week’s labwork, the Self-Assessment Worksheet and the nightly reflective journaling exercise, aim to set you up for powerful self-management. These exercises do this by increasing your awareness in general and by building your observation muscle so that you get better at noticing when you fall out of alignment with your intentions and goals.
In this lesson, we are looking at beliefs versus facts; reality, as it were. We’ll go behind the scenes to get a better understanding of your role in creating reality as you experience it. You’ll pick up skills that will empower you to recognize and appreciate multiple — even potentially conflicting — perspectives and to reframe the things that keep you up at night.
Lesson 3 Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to answer the following questions:
- Am I short-circuiting reality?
- Why would I do that?
- How do we make meaning out of facts?
- What can I do to get better at seeing things from other points of view?