Earlier in the Challengers’ Circle, you studied executive presence and learned there are four pillars you can work with to demonstrate and practice it: integrity, conviction of belief, clarity of thought, and composure under pressure. We’ve already covered the first three pillars earlier in the program; this week, we pick up the fourth pillar, composure under pressure, to complete your understanding of what it is to “be executive.”
What does composure mean to you? One way to get a sense of the meaning of composure is by considering what it feels like to be around someone who is composed and what it feels like to be around someone who is not.
Composed people tend to leave us feeling like things are going to turn out alright. Consider the flipside. Have you ever worked with someone who was always in a crisis? How did that leave you feeling? High anxiety, right?
When we suffer from a lack of composure, we cause panic and stress for the people around us. Even top-notch performance won’t make up for leaving people feeling like the sky is falling.
The concept of composure includes the notion of steadiness of mind under stress. In this lesson, we explore one powerful pathway to finding and sustaining this steady, composed presence: your vision. We will examine how having clarity on the vision you hold for yourself, and measuring your success by living in alignment with that vision, is key.
Lesson 8 Learning Objectives
- How can I maintain my composure under pressure?
- If vision isn’t the same thing as role or job title, what is it and how can I discover what mine is?
- How will I know if the way I’m expressing my vision is effective?