“Kore had a lot of positive impact on me. She helped me become a better as a leader. I learned to take a step back and separate the facts from emotion when meeting with a business leader who may not see eye to eye with me. She helped with the exec staff I support and with my own team. She gave me new perspective on how I was showing up - specifically the first impression I made, things I didn’t even think someone would pick up on. Her insights and perspective have been invaluable.
She’s a strong woman leader and a very kind person. I wish I could work with her more!”
— Senior Finance leader, Redmond
“Kore always provides me with a framing of the situation that I get nowhere else. It's always fresh. It's always respectful of every party involved in the situation.
I think Kore has pretty much gone through every scenario I can imagine. So that makes her uniquely qualified. She thinks like the CEO of a large corporation.”
— Figen Ulgen, Executive, Intel Corporation, Portland
“Kore takes a holistic approach to her work that allows people to do more, go deeper, and get farther than they would with someone else.
Our work allowed me to get back in sync with myself so I could move forward with my goals. I felt like my work with Kore was so much more than the sessions that I had with her. We had very rich discussions and I felt like we were working throughout the month even though I wasn't in her office the whole time.
Working with Kore has a multiplier effect. She lights a fire. She helps you think through what you want to do and then helps unpack and create plan to get there. It makes things real and then that fires you up.
I just wish there was a better way to say than "she's a coach," because she's bigger than that. Even though we aren’t currently working together, I feel like she's still a part of my professional journey, and I just cannot say enough positive things about how she's impacted my life. ”
— Diane Canate, Management Consultant, Seattle
“As the chair of the programs committee for Women in Bio Seattle, I invited Kore to give a workshop on Projecting Confidence and Practicing Power as a Path Forward for our Women History Month flagship event. Kore designed and delivered a 1.5-hour interactive presentation in which she illustrated how our Inner Critic can keep us and our contributions invisible. She also explained which signals we may inadvertently send that stymie our own confidence and power. With interactive breakout sessions she taught us how to leverage everyday business as opportunities to shine and introduced power practices that will help us project and feel more confidence.
Kore’s workshop truly resonated with our Women in Bio community, which was evidenced by the extraordinary attendance. We left feeling inspired and equipped with new techniques that will propel us to permanently uplevel our game. Kore truly understood her audience and customized the workshop to questions from attendees and to the needs for women in the biotech industry.
Kore is not only an excellent speaker but also provides an exceptional example and role model of how to project confidence and power herself. She contributed tremendously to the professional development of our community as well as my own.”
— Washington Research Foundation Institute Fellow, Women in Bio Programs Chair
“Kore has the true gift of bringing out the best in people – from her directs, to peers and colleagues. Friendly, inquisitive and brilliantly intelligent, Kore was one of the people that contributed significantly to making our group a great place to work. She is a true leader that inspires and motivates multi-dimensional excellence in the people around her.”
— IT Professional, Microsoft
“Kore is a thoughtful mentor and coach. She listens to you and offers a viewpoint and perspective that gets you to look at all the opportunities and potential of the situation in a different light. My conversations with her have usually resulted in me walking away with about three different ideas to execute that I had not thought of, and that have helped me. She interprets situation wisely – she is positive in outlook, and yet very practical. All told, she has been a great coach and support for me as I have transitioned and prepared myself for different roles within Microsoft over the last year.”
— Director, Infrastructure Services, Microsoft, Seattle area
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking me on as a client. The privilege was mine. And while it was up to me to light the fire from within, you helped me see that the fire was out and handed me the match. I didn’t realize how detached I’d become from myself and I’ll be forever grateful that you laid the path to return to myself.”
— Seattle client, Tech Industry
“I have found the ground in myself to move forward and start fresh in many ways.”
— International Real Estate Investor, San Francisco Bay Area
“Kore’s keen focus on identifying what is important is exceptional. She sees valuable lessons that facilitate learnings that greatly help individuals step up the ladder in their careers.
Kore also has a terrific talent at helping large groups in corporations. I am quite humbled, thrilled, and extremely excited by her ability to develop a program that is very beneficial for so many corporations looking to learn and develop employees in very productive and exciting ways. She has a unique voice and the discipline to bring her ideas to life fully and richly. She understands the dynamics around what could be different and excels at making that happen. Kore has a distinct ability to help both individuals and large groups as her programs give people the ability to learn to respond better and be truly at their best.”
— Richard Levi, Bay Area Coach and Consultant
“Anyone who works with Kore can expect to achieve anything she's promised. She's very clear about what her abilities are and what she can deliver. She’s exceptional in every way.
Her ability to balance her stunning intellect with warmth and empathy is key. She exudes gravitas and confidence so that when she talks about a particular theme or topic she comes across as very knowledgeable and clear, but also very curious and open, inviting any feedback that others may have.
When you work with Kore, you can expect authenticity, clarity, and an honesty and directness that is very clear and compassionate at the same time.”
— Stacy Gardner, Founder & CEO, My Philanthropy Team, Bay Area
“Working with Kore has been amazing and transformative. She has helped me unlock and maximize my impact as a leader. We have worked together to identify areas where I can become a better version of my authentic self and how to apply that to accelerating my career and the potential of my relationships.
One of my favorite things we have worked on is strategies to being comfortable saying ‘no’ to requests for my time and mindshare, and prioritizing time to invest in myself. I look forward to continuing to work with Kore to be the best I can be.”
— Global Marketing Solutions Expert, Facebook
“Kore brings to the table insight and experience in business strategy, process, and people. Her perspectives are elegant and efficient, and her style of engagement is both empathic and grounded in good business sense. I trust her approach to inquiry and her methods for drawing conclusions. Without reservation, I would recommend Kore to deliver value and direction to personal career navigation, project execution or organizational strategy.”
— Strategic Operations & Process Improvement Executive, Los Angeles
“I recently engaged Kore to design and deliver a five-month long mentoring program to a group of leaders on my team. The challenge, which Kore successfully delivered on, was to provide a professional development opportunity but also to help bring about a culture shift on the team.
The engagement had many inherent challenges (participants were scattered across Europe, each from a different cultural and linguistic background, and the program was delivered almost entirely on a virtual basis), yet the positive and profound impact on participants was significant.
Right away, Kore did an amazing job of engaging the group. Despite being remote, she quickly created a rapport with and amongst the group, established her credibility, and gained the team’s trust. She was also able to get to the heart of the unique professional learning challenges each of the participants faced and build custom learning plans that participants followed during the program.
She made the learning and growth process fun, with the added benefit that it supported my team-building goals. Not only has participant feedback been extremely positive, but I have also directly observed noticeable change and skills development brought about as a direct result of the program. Well worth the investment!”
— Associate General Counsel, Microsoft, Europe
“Thank you for all of your support on the career front. Working with you changed the way I see myself and the way I am in the world and I’m excited to see how my confidence will translate in my new job.”
— Seattle client, Technology Compliance
“Kore has been instrumental in helping me think strategically about the next steps in my personal and professional life. I found her approach to be thorough and structured, yet creative and unconventional at the same time. She was able to bring her knowledge and experience to my unique situation in a way that made me rethink my entire strategy. I left our session feeling focused, motivated, and equipped with what I need to move forward with confidence.”
— Privacy Professional, Seattle area
“She has been my magical pixie and my wise wizard of a coach. It was a gift to spend time with her, and to receive her wise analysis of my situation, and the very practical, cogent steps I could take to resolve some of my issues.”