Discuss with your Quad the learnings and insights gained in running your experiments this week. Here are your suggested discussion prompts:
- Can you do more to help your audience listen (e.g., by using process moves listed here or one that wasn’t listed but which you can think of)?
- Did you see an opportunity to reduce tension or find more alignment this week? If yes, were you able to run an experiment with any of the new techniques you learned?
- How did you feel as you experimented with open-ended questions and balancing advocacy and inquiry (e.g., nervous, more relaxed, open, less defensive, more defensive)?
- Did you recognize any areas where you weren’t as open to new ideas as you could have been or where you weren’t listening as skillfully or with as much openness?
- Did you learn any new information or points of view this week from a colleague that surprised you or that you hadn’t previously considered?
Discuss the following statement with your Quad:
- Conflict is useful; conflict is dangerous.