Optional Further Study:
Ted Talks:
Personal Brand:
- Leadership Brand: Deliver on Your Promise, by David Magellan Horth, Lynn B. Miller, and Portia R. Mount of Center for Creative Leadership
- Presence: Bringing Your Best Self to Your Biggest Challenges, by Amy Cuddy
- Leadership Embodiment, by Wendy Palmer and Janet Crawford
- The Authenticity Paradox, by Herminia Ibarra
- Let Your Workers Rebel, by Francesa Gino
- It’s Not You, It’s Your Story: Why Branding Matters, by Amy Cosper
- A Strong Personal Brand Will Enhance Your Life, No Matter What You Do for a Living, by Peter Gasca
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At The Essential Group, we don’t ask you to buy into a lot of hooey. We teach and believe that doing the work we’re talking about here will lead to good things for you in your personal life and in your professional life. At the same time, we are legally required to remind you that we don’t guarantee results or specific outcomes to you as a result of taking this course. Will you get the same results as someone else who has taken this course and gone crazy-genius and totally hit it out of the park? We have no idea. We don’t even know you and so much of that depends on you, your decisions, your actions, and how committed you are to doing the work.