You’ll notice the lessons are short, while the Learning Lab experience is as extensive as you let it be. Here are the top three tips for getting the most out of the program:
- Tip #1 – Book time for your development
Put time in your calendar so you can fully engage. This applies across the board. You can have all the commitment in the world, but if you have not allowed time for yourself, growth probably won’t happen. Block out time not only to read the weekly lessons, but also to work with the Learning Lab activities for a few minutes each day of the week. This goes for the quad meetings, too.
Plan your cadence for the work. You’ll figure out what works best for you, but here is a suggested cadence:
Sunday | Receive your lesson for the coming week! |
Monday | Finish reading the lesson by the end of the day. |
Tuesday and Wednesday | Run your Learning Lab Experiments. Make sure you do this before your Quad Discovery meetings so you can bring your experiences, learnings, and best practices into the quad discussion. |
Thursday or Friday | Continue running your experiments, following the instructions provided in the Learning Lab. Engage in your Quad Discovery call. By setting the meeting for week’s end, everybody has time to engage in the Learning Lab Experiments on their own before the meeting, which will make for a richer discussion and a better use of your time. |
- Tip #2 – Do the program!
Decide you’re going to engage. Engage with the Learning Lab Experiments and quad work as sincerely as you can—at times this means suspension of judgment!
Resist skipping steps or homework, even if you’re convinced you’ve got it under control. In fact, you will probably perceive the labwork as inapplicable or too obvious… at first. Right alongside that, allow for the possibility that you may end up seeing blind spots you weren’t aware of, or you may notice your own discomfort trying out a particular behavior. Listen for this – these are nuggets that point to your learning edge.
Prepare. Honor yourself and your fellow learners by being organized in how you approach the CCO experience. Jot notes and questions down in a journal as you run your Experiments and as you go through life. Bring those notes and questions to your Quad Discovery calls and bring your curiosity to this experience.
- Tip #3 – Be realistic with yourself
Set realistic expectations. Of course you’ll “mess up” or fall down along the way by getting behind schedule or reverting to an old behavior. Expect it and try to be gentle with yourself when it happens. No big deal; just get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. If you fall behind, set yourself to getting caught up and resolve to do your best to stay on track going forward.