By now, you should have received a welcome email and instructions for completing your CCO registration.
If you haven’t seen that email, first check that you have added to your Safe Senders list and that we aren’t in your Junk or Clutter folders. If you’ve already done that and still haven’t received registration information, please contact my team at
Weekly lessons will arrive in your email inbox on Sundays, starting today.
A typical lesson looks like this:
- The Lesson – written and video content introducing new concepts and tools
- The Learning Lab – the Lab has two parts each week. First, the Experiments, which are self-study labwork that reinforce what you’re learning in the weekly lesson; and second, Quad Discovery, which contains exercises and discussion prompts to spur dialogue in your quad (your small peer learning group)
The lessons are designed for you to build on the previous learnings as you progress through the content. We start off gently with the foundational pieces in Weeks 1-3. We ramp up from there as we step into the game-changing moves (Weeks 4-6) and mastery elements (Weeks 7-8) of the program before coming to a close in Week 9.
The journey of this learning experience is designed to challenge how you see yourself and your understanding of the part you play in things. Moving through the learning arc requires a degree of skillful listening. In other words, it requires you to be:
- Open to new information
- Open to being influenced
- Open to seeing new angles
More on listening in a bit, but let’s pause here to look at the top tips for getting the most out of this program.